October 6, 2022
Epstein is currently working with the Kane County Division of Transportation to update their Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan to consolidate a regional vision for bicycle trails and facilities that is easily referenced for project development and funding applications. The plan aims to create a GIS mapping tool that shows the planning and implementation status of regional and local trails and a comprehensive list of fund sources that provide for such facilities.
Planned engagement events included September’s KKCOM Bicycle & Pedestrian Committee and tabling a booth at the Fox Valley Marathon Expo. These events helped to guide the project’s initial efforts and research. Further events will be hosted in Spring 2023 as the project progresses.
The project team also recently launched a survey for residents and visitors to voice their opinion on the current state of the trail network and their preferred future vision.
To access the survey (available in both English and Spanish) and learn about the project, visit: www.kanecountybikeplan.org