January 21, 2016


Last night, many of the officers at Epstein participated in a unique team-building exercise that involved collaboration, problem-solving, quick-thinking and ¦ zombies. Yes, you read that correctly, zombies. You see 16 of our senior directors and principals took part in 'Room Escape Adventures' in which our 'esteemed' Epstein group had to rely on their collective wits, ability to communicate, creative genius, and, best of all, song and dance capabilities to escape a room that was inhabited by an ill-tempered zombie - all in less than 60 minutes.

The 16 Epstein principals were broken into 2 teams comprised of architects/designers & engineers/corporate. Each team was led into an enclosed room, the door was locked and they then had to solve a series of riddles & physical challenges to unlock clues that would eventually lead to finding the key that would unlock the door and back to safety. This was all done while been slowly harassed by a chained menacing zombie a member of the undead who would get slightly more slack in his chain every 5 minutes. Although, it should be noted that the Zombie could be distracted and calmed with lullabies especially renditions of 70s classic rock.

Approximately 70% of all groups that partake in this 'Zombie' challenge fail and we are happy to report that both of our teams managed to escape! Although each team did have a member that 'heroically' sacrificed themselves for the greater good and some members proved that they should only 'sing' in the shower.

At the end of the event a Room Escape Adventures staff member gave a report based on each of Epstein's officer's ability to problem solve, communicate effectively under pressure and demonstrate the spirit of a cohesive unit. It should be noted that the 'singing' was not graded or evaluated!

The members of the architects/designer team included John Robertson, Jason Chandler, Larry Dalziel, Tom Scheckelhoff, John Kolb, David Scott & Randy Tharp. Our engineers/corporate team was comprised of Tom Smiles, Stu White, Tom Suarez, Theresa Pelletier, Criss Paccione-Anderson, Noel Abbott, Jim Jirsa and Dan Boland.

Team Architecture (from left to right)

Back row - Jason Chandler, Larry Dalziel, John Kolb, John Robertson, Randy Tharp.

Front row - David Scott & Tom Scheckelhoff

Team Engineering (from left to right)

Tom Smiles, Jim Jirsa, Noel Abbott, Stu White, Theresa Pelletier, Criss Paccione-Anderson, Dan Boland & Tom Suarez.

Lastly, it's very reassuring to know that with the impending Zombie Apocalypse that Epstein is in such good hands!