
James Jirsa
Executive Managing Director
Chief Financial Officer
Criss Paccione-Anderson
Senior Vice President
Director of Corporate Services
Tom Smiles
Senior Vice President
Director of Business Development & Marketing
Tom Suarez
Senior Vice President
Director of Engineering
Janusz Lichocki
Director - Poland Office
L. Randall (Randy) Buescher
Senior Vice President
Director of Client Services
Darrin McCormies
Senior Vice President
Director of Industrial Services
David Scott
Senior Vice President
Director of Professional Services
Randy Tharp
Senior Vice President
Director of International Projects
Jason Chandler
Senior Vice President
Director of DesignBuild Projects
Edward Curley
Vice President
Director of Architecture & Interiors

Employee Spotlight

Employee Spotlight: Laura Rebbe

Ms. Rebbe joined Epstein in 2015, bringing with her more than 15 years of experience in the AEC industry, including stints with Jacobs Engineering, Suttle Mindlin and Urban Design Group. Laura has experience managing a wide variety of projects, including mixed-use developments, military, interiors, industrial, medical, and large master planned developments.

Ms. Rebbe brings with her a strong sense of design, and a passion for sustainability. Having managed more than a dozen projects pursuing LEED certification, Laura has extensive experience coordinating LEED projects and navigating the certification process. She also has vast experience in planning and design, and is sensitive to the strategic needs of corporate clients, both nationally and internationally.

Greg Osborne
Vice President
Director of Civil Engineering
Bradley Dennis
Vice President
Director of Project Management
Paul Sanderson
Vice President
Director of New York Operations
Patrick Carata
Associate Vice President
Architectural Design Director
Chad Ware
Director of Process Engineering
Alex Chu
Vice President
Senior Project Manager
Ryan Leodoro
Associate Vice President
Director, Public Sector
Jon May
Associate Vice President
Business Development, Industrial

Chicago (HQ)

600 West Fulton
Chicago, IL 60661
United States
P 312.454.9100
F 312.559.1217

New York City

156 Ludlow St
4th Floor
New York, NY 10002
United States
P 212.843.1851


One Copley Parkway, Suite 100
Morrisville, NC 27560
P 919.337.0830


15 Postępu St
02-676 Warsaw, Poland
P 48 22.525.0.300